Travelrocket is a next-generation platform for selling travel on the internet.
Selling and marketing travel online is hard. In the same way that Shopify made ecommerce easy, Travelrocket solves the challenges of building and running a digital product and lets you focus on what makes your company unique.
Contact Lens Coach
A collaboration with CooperVision, Contact Lens Coach is a communications platform for opticians to deliver timely information to new lens wearers. By delivering support, tips and reassurance at just the right moment, the number of patients graduating to ongoing lens subscriptions significantly increases.
The application was retired by CooperVision in March 2023. If you're an optician looking to adopt or continue using a similar service, please get in touch.
Cards Against Agility
Cards Against Agility is a card game based on that format you know & love, but taking aim specifically at the nonsense of 'Capital A' Agile.
Agile began with a few sensible ideas and ended up with career consultants taking liberties with stuff like "slicing heuristics" and "design sprints". Enough is enough. It's time to roast some dogma, and laugh instead of cry.
After beating our crowdfunding goal by a massive 597%, you can now get your copy here!